Your Peace of Mind is Our Priority, and Your Health and Safety is Our Commitment
Allied Consulting & Security Services has been following the current updates and is here to partner and assist our clients and future clients as America recovers to normal. Given the escalating news about the coronavirus, we would like to share with you the precautions our company has implemented to help keep you and your work environment safe.
Allied in partnership with Human Resource professionals and Legal Counsel have built a customizable program to assist with business as the economy reopens and employers seek assurance that they are returning to a safe workplace.
Allied's Expertise and Guidance Includes:
- Risk mitigation planning and resources to support "return to workplace" strategies
- On-site temperature screening customized to you facility in accordance with HIPAA, ADA, CDC, OSHA, EEOC and other regulatory bodies
- Provision of screening tools that include necessary equipment, communication tools, training and guidance
- Technology consultation for mass-screening
Allied has finalized a program to partner with our clients, that is within Federal and State laws, to perform temperature checks as members of society and employees enter a location. Allied has built the required reporting and documentation tools, notices to be placed within the business, and has the Proper Protective Equipment (PPE) and tools reuired to perform these tasks.
Contact our team of professionals to speak in depth about our program and how we can assist with getting your business back to daily operations as safely as possible.